mandag 24. mars 2008

Påske and whatnot

Påske. hmmm. Easter holidays were spent very differently here in the land of norway.
We spent a week up near Sulitjelma, near sweden. We were out skiing almost every day. Initially, I liked skiing. a lot. but near the end of the week, skiing was the last thing I had on my list of things I want to do. But nevertheless, we were out skiing, and on our last day, we went skiing down the mountain, and I remember that I said all of the time *I hate skiing*, It actually was more like yelling.
Just like every family trip that has ever been, I am now a little sick of my family and I just want to get out with my friends. But thats a little difficult, because I feel like Im obligated to be home at a certain time, etc. But the thing is, in the US with my real family, I would have to problem pissing them off and staying out way late with my friends, but here I feel like I have to be a part of the family. And dont get me wrong, I love my family, but Im at the age now where I should be able to leave and make a life of my own. Which I desperately want to do, but it feels impossible under these circumstances.
I know my parents would never aprove, but what I really want to do is just stay over at my friends houses on 'school nights'. were big enough and responsible enough to be able to get up in the mornings and go to school. I should be able to stay overnight at tristans house. Itd make things a lot easier for the whole world, no shit. but by people who think they have a high authority over me, for people who think they know my limits better than I do, they make these stupid rules. I know what it is I need in my life. and Ill make sure Ill get it, and ill do it on my own terms, not on anyone elses.

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