torsdag 27. august 2009

MCOM 100

I had my last 'first class' this evening. The best way to describe it would be: a quaint class of about 432 students in a very personalized lecture format. Wow. Very interesting. Tonight was my first night ever in a class this large, and, in fact, the class I'm in has the largest class enrollment of any class offered at Winona State. I consider myself lucky...

We spent a good portion of the evening talking about personal communication. A little food for thought: The average vocabulary of a high school graduate 30 years ago (16,000 words). The average vocabulary of a high school graduate in current times (9,000) words. Fascinating yet terrifying. We were discussing why this could be. And we figure it is the mass media and communication to blame. We have become so dependent on other means of communication that we as people have actually begun to lose our ability to communicate effectively. Sad.

This class will be a lot of work, but it is totally worth it. I really love learning about this kind of stuff and I could definitely see myself working in this field someday.
Anyways, goodnight!

A little Winona State love

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