mandag 19. november 2007

oh how i love maren

This weekend was lotsa fun. Maren just showed up at my house on sunday and woke me up at 11. So i got to spend the day with her!! WHEEE! We saw dirty dancing havana nights and went for a walk to my school and back... with the ground full of ice... so it was a lottttta fun!!! =) Im really excited for snow soon. a lot of snow... I really want to build a snowman and go sledding and finally learn how to ski!!! ^^ schools been going fine. and today at school we made it through the whole day with all norwegian! WHEEE! yay. yay for no english. Anyways, Im really excited for christmas too. and all of the holidays. and my birthday. I still dont know if I want to have a party or just go to oslo for a day. Maybe I just have friends over, or tristan? ahh run of thoughts. Well I have nothing else really to write about. Ive been thinking about making a film and music video. Maybe as a commercial for afs that i can send back to hhs to promote exchange. thad be cool. like have all of my friends say stuff. and then i could do it as a media project!!! WHEEE! We'll we will see. Im already doing a hairspray kinda film with some friends. I dont remember what tristan and my names were, but they were so cute. and we get to do cool dances together and such. itll be fun fun fun in the sun. Well going to step class now. tata. oh and i lost my camera... with all of the pics of me in bunad.. wahhhh.

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