Since its thanksgiving and I'm feeling a bit homesick today, I'm going to make a list of people and why I'm thankful for them. If you dont see your name on here, its not cause Im not thankful for you, its cause there are so many people Im thankful for, and its after 11 and I have school tomorrow, so I'll have to add you another time.
Ill start with the obvious~~
Mom- I'm thankful for you because you're always there for me and support me in almost everything that I do, even if you dont necessarily agree with it. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be an exchange student this year. It has changed my life. Thank you for putting up with me all of the times that you let me be a teenager and hate you. Thanks for putting up with loud music. I guess, thanks for letting me begin to discover who I am, and believing in me.
Dad- I'm thankful for you because you're such a 'handy man.' Whenever theres a problem, you know how to fix it. Not just physical problems, such as... 'My computers not working, or Can you hang something on the wall...?' I appreciate, more than you can imagine, how when I'd ask you to help me with something, how youd just drop what you were doing and help me like I was the only thing in the world that mattered at that moment. Times like that are the good ones to remember.
Pat- I'm thankful for you because you're my big brother. When I was younger I wanted to be just like you. I was the little sister who wanted to be as cool as her big brother. I want to thank you for starting cello, because if you hadn't, I probably would have never started viola, or anything in music for that matter. I'm glad for all of those times you were hard on me and didnt let me hang out with your friends... but I'm also thankful for when you started to realize your sister wasnt a little girl anymore, and then started to let her hang out with you. I'm thankful for all the times we recorded music and complained about how much we hated our lives in Mequon. All in all, thanks for being my big brother.
Becka- Becka, oh Becka, where to begin.... Even though most of my memories with you are ones where I've fought with you and hated you, I'm still very thankful for the times where we shared a room and had late night chats. I'm thankful that you look up to me. That means a lot. I'm also very thankful that I have a beautiful younger sister with a gorgeous smile who loves pippi almost as much as I do and is so intelligent. Youre so much more book smart than I'll ever be, and alot more motivated by grades. Were so different and I'm thankful for that. Although we hardly ever get along (at least up until this point), I think theres a chance that things will change and It'll all work out in the end. I'm thankful that you've always been there for me.
Tim- I'm thankful for you because you're always up for a good time. Youre always smiling and laughing and in turn making me so happy. I've always enjoyed out 'evil plans' against Becka and Pat, even though they probably didnt like it so much. I'm also thankful for the times where youd go in my room and hide and try to scare me... although most of the times you were unsucessful, I cherish times like those. I'm thankful for the times when I taught you viola. But I'm more thanful for the times when I taught you viola and you fought back because you didnt think it was right. It shows you have a mind of your own. Use it. Youre so smart. I'm also really thankful for summer vacations with you... drawing with chalk, going swimming, taking pictures... youre amazing Tim.
Grandma Gloria- You've always been a very important person in my life, as you should be, youre my Grandmother. I'm thankful for all of the family gatherings that have taken place at your house and at the cottage. You've always so warm and welcoming that everybody just adores you. I'm thankful for all of the times when you corrected me on my manners or told me that I was too wet to be in the cottage. Thank you for all of the times you came to my various orchestra and other musical performances. That always means a lot to me. Thank you for supporting me in everything I do.
Grandpa Cliff- Thank you for always making me laugh. You always had that charm about you to make any person smile. Thank you for always singing, too... 'theres a hole in the bucket... oh mr johnny cabeck...., etc' There are always times where I just start singing those songs and smile and think of you. Thank you for showing me how to skin fish and cut the heads off. (That actually comes in handy here.. Im the only one in the family whos willing to do it... and then play with the fish heads afterwards). Thank you for being the best Grandpa any girl could ever wish for.
Rachel- Well, this is a super given. You are my best friend, and always will be. I love you so much. There are times when I think you know me better than myself. Well, thats actually most of the time. Thank you for being you. Its awesome. There are so many memories that I can't write down, but thank you for every single one. Thank you for being there always.
Pappa- Thank you for being there and understanding when I have bad days. Thank you for showing me how to show love to my family. Thank you for giving me hugs. Thank you for showing me how much more there is to life than what I had before. Thank you for taking me on bike rides, and for walks late at night. Thank you for being stubborn, even though I dont always like it. Thank you for letting me be your daughter.
Mamma- Thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me and taking me in for a year. Thank you for making me feel accepted and that its okay to be me. Thank you for step class. I enjoy every moment that I spend with you. I'm always learning from you, you're an awesome role model. Thank you so much for helping me carve the path of my life.
Karo- Thank you for being my sister. I love how you dance and listen to high school musical, and actually enjoy it. Thank you for always helping me with norwegian, I can't imagine how frustrating that would be if I had to correct someone every 3 minutes or so, maybe more. Thank you for our walks to school in the mornings. Thank you for showing me how life for a teenager is in norway.
Ingrid- Jeg elsker at du alltid smiler og ler. Jeg elsker når du øver 'th' på engelsk. Tusen takk for å være snill med meg. Jeg vet at det var vanskelig, fordi vi skjønte ikke hverandre før. Tusen takk for å se på tv på norsk. Jeg har lært mye fra 'kim possible...' Tusen takk for å være deg.
Maren- Where to begin with you too. Well I love you so much, dear. Its crazy to think that Ive only known you for 4 months and were so 'hardcore tight.' oh how sexual is that...? hehehe. I love how you just show up at my house at 11 am and wake me up and have a box of tampons for me. I love how you always make me laugh. I love how we always have awesome conversations together. I love how we watch titanic late at night and sob through the whole thing and then afterwards go right on facebook. You're amazing, dear. and I can't imagine my life without meeting you.
Tristan- Thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me and always making me feel so much better and stronger than I ever thought I could be. Thank you for always cheering me up and making me laugh. Thank you for helping me with all of the german that I'll never understand. I love how you say things like 'ironicall, and wared' because youre english isnt perfect. Im thankful that we can talk to each other in 3 languages, although only two of them are really functional... I'm thankful for everyday that I wake up and think 'I'm going to see Tristan soon' and then I go to school and youre always so happy to see me. Im thankful for all of the times you call me just to see how its going or hear my voice. Thank you for listening to beatsticks and really loving to dance. I love everything about you. Thank you for loving me for who I truly am. I love you.
Lyd an Sarah- This goes to you both. Im thankful for all of the times we had together. You both helped make me strong, into the woman I am today. Thank you also for letting me go, even if it was just for a while. I needed to figure somethings out about myself. Thank you for letting me do that, and thank you for loving me enough to take me back eventually. Thank you both for every adventure we ever had. I love you both so much.
Thats all I have time for right now... its time for me to go to bed. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
So now its the day after thanksgiving and Im at school and going to continue my list...
Sara- You always had this way about you that was different from Rachel and I. Im really thankful for that. You added the variety to our '3 musketeers' Thank you for all of the great times we had together.
Trine- Jeg er glad i deg. Tusen takk for å bli en venn til meg. Tusen takk for alle de morsome ganger at vi har allerede hadde. Og tusen takk for de som skal bli. Du hjalp meg finne ut hvem jeg vil være i livet mitt. Jeg skal aldri glemme deg. Best vennene. Vi må lage mer FUDGE!
Yi Ren- Ni shenti hao ma? Shung zhuh kuae luh. Jeg vet ikke his det er helt riktig, men du har lært meg kinesisk. =). Tusen takk for det. Nå kan vi snakke norsk, engelsk, og kinesisk sammen. WHOOO HOOO! Tusen takk for å alltid smile. Du er så snill. Også er du så intelligent. Glad i deg!
Pippi- Jeg kan skrive på nosrk til deg, fordi vi skjønner hverandre i alle språk. Jeg elsker deg. Du er livet mitt. Jeg savner deg så så så så mye. Jeg kan ikke vente å se deg igjen. <3
torsdag 22. november 2007
mandag 19. november 2007
oh how i love maren
This weekend was lotsa fun. Maren just showed up at my house on sunday and woke me up at 11. So i got to spend the day with her!! WHEEE! We saw dirty dancing havana nights and went for a walk to my school and back... with the ground full of ice... so it was a lottttta fun!!! =) Im really excited for snow soon. a lot of snow... I really want to build a snowman and go sledding and finally learn how to ski!!! ^^ schools been going fine. and today at school we made it through the whole day with all norwegian! WHEEE! yay. yay for no english. Anyways, Im really excited for christmas too. and all of the holidays. and my birthday. I still dont know if I want to have a party or just go to oslo for a day. Maybe I just have friends over, or tristan? ahh run of thoughts. Well I have nothing else really to write about. Ive been thinking about making a film and music video. Maybe as a commercial for afs that i can send back to hhs to promote exchange. thad be cool. like have all of my friends say stuff. and then i could do it as a media project!!! WHEEE! We'll we will see. Im already doing a hairspray kinda film with some friends. I dont remember what tristan and my names were, but they were so cute. and we get to do cool dances together and such. itll be fun fun fun in the sun. Well going to step class now. tata. oh and i lost my camera... with all of the pics of me in bunad.. wahhhh.
torsdag 15. november 2007
You're the one that I want... (wooo hooo hooo)
So this past week has been a little crazy. This weekend will be even more so though. Tomorrow bestemor og bestefar are coming. (Theyre staying for a week). Im also playing a viola concert tomorrow and Im wearing bunad (the norwegiana traditional dress). Ill take tons of pictures =) Im super excited .... i really want some but it costs 25000kr. (a little under $5000) a little too expensive for me. På lørdag will i go to jessheim to buy boots and christmas gifts. then im going to have dinner with the grandparents, then im going to ellisivs bday party. and in the midst of all of that im going to see some kind of horror film with tristan... he thinks i need to see a horror film. (i hate scary movies ahhh) On sunday I guess Ill spend the day with him. GAHHH so busy this weekend!
Do I even need to label these anymore? Its of course tristan and I.
I want a pony for christmas.
fredag 9. november 2007
lazy weekends
I didnt have school thursday or friday, which was nice... so tristan came over and helped with my german paper... i am horrrrrible at german, so its very nice to have a boyfriend both fluent in the language and super willing to help a completely lost and unenthusiastic student. Today maren is coming over (WHEEEEEEEE) I havent seen her in 3 months and i finally get to spend time with her!!!! YAY! Tomorrow were going to Oslo for the day to go to museums, out to eat, and of course christmas shopping. Then on sunday I have to finish my whole sosiologi project on crime, and tristans coming over. Hes going to Denmark this weekend with some of his dads coworkers, but his dads not going... so itll be tristan and a bunch of mid 30s and 40 year old men. hahaha. hell have a good time for sure. I cant believe that Ive been gone from the us almost 4 months... time goes by so fast. I left on july 17th for china and today is november 9th. so almost 4 months. thats crazy. But i really cant wait for christmas. Thats gonna be so fun here. YAY! and new years. wayyyy cool! PARTAY! Im sooo excited. but apparantly thats when people get really homesick... hopefully i wont cause i have a great family and amazing friends here! ^^ love everyone.
Ellisiv, Me, and Yi Ren
Yi Ren and I at a cafe with oreos and milk
søndag 4. november 2007
Two Down Days
Today sucks as much as yesterday. Something really funny is up and its irritating. I feel like I'm not being the whole thing about certain topics. I feel like people are hiding things from me like they dont trust me. Why are my parents talking about me without talking to me? If it concerns me, I think I should be included in the conversations. I feel lost right now. I dont know my place. Im just so lost. Im drowing in confusion.
lørdag 3. november 2007
Ups and Downs
I'm going through more of the ups and downs of the AFS program. Right now I'm near the bottom, not because of any kind of homesickness, no, but because I love my friends and family here so much, and I can't help but think that in 8 months I have to go back to the US. I never want to leave my family, friends, boyfriend, my school, this culture, or anything else about norway. I feel like being here for only one year is completely holding me back. Everything has to be put into a strange perspective of, 'yeah we'll have fun now, but I'm just going to leave again.' It's horrible. I wish my family in the US would just pick up and move to eidsvoll so I could live here forever with my friends and both families.
It's so strange what I'm feeling right now though. I have a really hard time describing it. I think its a mixture between anxiousness and fear. I'm anxious to have the best time I can here, making as many friends as possible, but yet I fear that once I leave I'll be forgotten about and everything will go back to normal, as if I was never here at all.
I have two lives now, the one I had in the US, and now the one here with my friends and family. Which one would I have to choose if I had to pick? I have no idea, its the hardest decision anyone would ever have to make, but I feel as if I have to pick between what I had and what I have now. Why do I feel forced? I dont know, but its a horrible feeling. I love my family back in the US because theyre my family, they support me in almost everything I do, but I feel that my friends here know me better for who I am.
For a long time I felt if I had to lie to my family back in the US to make them happy, but I can talk to my family and friends here in norway freely about those matters, and not only do people support me with what I think, but they all agree completely with me. It's a difference in how we were all brought up. My generation has a completely different culture than my parents, for instance. My parents in the US were both brought up as catholics. I was too brought up as a catholic, but yet I am completely different from them. I never had the guts to tell them what I truly think because I was always scared of them and what they'd think of me if I didnt turn out how they wanted me to.
It's so strange what I'm feeling right now though. I have a really hard time describing it. I think its a mixture between anxiousness and fear. I'm anxious to have the best time I can here, making as many friends as possible, but yet I fear that once I leave I'll be forgotten about and everything will go back to normal, as if I was never here at all.
I have two lives now, the one I had in the US, and now the one here with my friends and family. Which one would I have to choose if I had to pick? I have no idea, its the hardest decision anyone would ever have to make, but I feel as if I have to pick between what I had and what I have now. Why do I feel forced? I dont know, but its a horrible feeling. I love my family back in the US because theyre my family, they support me in almost everything I do, but I feel that my friends here know me better for who I am.
For a long time I felt if I had to lie to my family back in the US to make them happy, but I can talk to my family and friends here in norway freely about those matters, and not only do people support me with what I think, but they all agree completely with me. It's a difference in how we were all brought up. My generation has a completely different culture than my parents, for instance. My parents in the US were both brought up as catholics. I was too brought up as a catholic, but yet I am completely different from them. I never had the guts to tell them what I truly think because I was always scared of them and what they'd think of me if I didnt turn out how they wanted me to.
Tristan and I at school
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