torsdag 6. desember 2007

Desember. woah.

I can't believe that its December. today I was making cookies for a party tomorrow, and i just thought to myself... 'holy shit, im 17 soon and ive been in gone from the us for 5 months now.' WOAH! cause I left july 17th, and today is December 7th... so almost 5 months. Thats crazy. I like to sit and think sometimes how Ive changed since Ive come to norway. I cant even begin to explain. Im sure some people get a glimpse of it while Im on the phone with them and such, but they cant even begin to understand how different I am now. And Ill never be that girl I was before. No chance or desire at all. Things that have changed about me since I came to norway... lets see if I can just name some... nope, almost impossible. except for the obvious, I can speak another language, Ive become a lot more confidence, and Ive fallen in love. Three huge things in somebodys life. I just feel so alive in norway, something that I didnt ever feel in america. norway fits for me. i fit in norway.

Well last weekend I worked at tømte-tunet... a farm. It was quite fun. I like farms a lot. so exciting. this past week I had whole day exams. haha. that went... well. and I have german tomorrow. Im so bad at writing. but im suprisingly good at understanding now, maybe thats cause tristan speaks german to his parents and sister and such. hmmm. then this weekend, tomorrow, Im having a birthday party. that should be fun. and on saturday im going to oslo with maren, anders, marius, and i hope tristan can come too. and on sunday im going to eidsvoll bygningen(the place where the norwegian constitution was signed) for a little christmas thing with kids in my town. it should be fun.

well gonna go clean my room, Im very messy so it needs to be done on a regular basis. hahaha. so ill hopefully remember to write again. I always forget.

Me in the traditional norwegian dress, bunad, with friends

This is what I do at work... hahaha

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