mandag 5. juli 2010

Summer 2010

Well, I've been busy to say the least. Between working four jobs (Subway, Nannying, Catering, and Teaching), I hardly even have had time to breathe. This weekend, however, I've gotten a little bit of time off of work because it's the 4th of July. (I'm at work now, but it's so slow). Here are some pics from our adventures to Summerfest and such.

tirsdag 8. juni 2010

my life as of late

Much of my time is spent devoted to the oh so difficult tasks of working at Subway. It is absolutely wonderful- not. But it is a job, and I am starting to see a noticeable difference in my bank account, which I sure like :). I am starting a nannying job on Friday, which will be full time and a lot of fun! The kids are great and are also aspiring musicians (though they are at the beginning stages still). This summer I am also catering with Shullys and teaching viola lessons. To state the obvious, I am keeping very busy. When I am not working or driving to or from work, I can usually be found with my viola in my hand.
This summer I have found a love for tango, so I am studying Le Grand Tango by Astor Piazzolla, along with some usual pieces like Brahms and Hindemith. I am having lots of fun with it and I cannot wait until Anders moves here SOON!

fredag 9. april 2010

noen bilder av anders og meg

family photo on easter

some day we will add kids and make this our own family

at a norwegian dinner

at the st louis arch in front of the mississippi river

lørdag 13. mars 2010


this is an excerpt from Beethoven's Erocia symphony
listen from 3.20, 3.55 is where the fuge starts. its is sso purely beautiful and painful.


onsdag 24. februar 2010

A little update

Naoko and I in Chicago in the beginning of December (I think... it was unusually warm that day)

Well, Im now 3 months into being 19, which means I only have 9 more months to complete the list of things I want to accomplish before I am 20.

The things I have yet to do are as follows:
- live in the same country as Anders (this will happen this summer!!!)
- run a 5k (I really should start training for that...)
- go on a camping trip (if I work at Concordia Language Villages, I guess Ill have that covered.)
- go to a college party and be the only sober one (well, I still have time on that one...)
- pull an all nighter while writing a paper (this one is difficult for me cause I just fall asleep haha)

I think that list is do-able for the next 9 months. :)

Ill keep posting how it all goes.

onsdag 3. februar 2010

minner fra norge

jeg savner vertsfamilien min så utrolig mye. De var kjempe snille til meg at jeg fikk bo hos dem i et helt år. Jeg savner særlig når vi spiste frukost sammen og lagde matpakkene til dagen på skolen og jobb. Og jeg savner Karo og Ingrid, søstrene mine, som er veldig vakre og noen av de snilleste jeg har møtt i mitt liv. I sommern så kommer familien min til USA og jeg skal besøke dem i Florida. Jeg gleder meg skikkelig til det men jeg lurer på om vi skal snakke norsk eller engelsk. Uansett, så syns jeg at det er bra at jeg øver litt... Ja, ja. Jeg kan ikke tro at det har nesten vært 2 hele år siden jeg dro fra Norge. Jeg vil tilbake og være en utvekslingsstudent igjen. Men en dag så skal Anders og jeg bo i Norge men ungene våres og da kommer det til å bli helt fint. Og da kan jeg se vertsfamilien min oftere!!

Jeg begynte på en ny skole forrige uke. Den er mye vanskeligere enn Winona var. Men det er bra (bortsett fra at jeg har 4 timer lekser hver dag plus øving på bratsj og 5 timer i klasserommet) og jeg søker etter en jobb... Likevell så er jeg ikke i det minst opptatt. :P men ikke misforstå meg, jeg har det helt fint her i Milwaukee... Jeg liker ikke å bo hjemme hos foreldrene mine. Kanskje til neste år blir det Madison? Vi får se. Til neste gang, hade!

torsdag 21. januar 2010

julen i norge 2009

christmas in norway with my wonderful fiancé anders and his family. (a little update friends and family reading this, a wedding is not to take place for 3 or so more years...)

here are some photos from this winter.