tirsdag 25. september 2007

Uke (8) ish... Tirsdag


Jeg har et fantastisk liv!
I have an awesome life.

Og min venner er kjempe kult.
And my friends are super cool.

I dag hadde jeg en bra dag.
Today I Had a good day.

I spent 3 hours of school today cleaning a chalk board and hiding Tristans hat. Its so productive here. hahaha. But I do learn, just in a less structured way. Well, tomorrow I am going to see Knocked Up in norwegian with Tristan. So that should be fun. Well, gotta go do sosiologi!

Anders, Me and Tristan During School

lørdag 22. september 2007

Uke Sju (7)

Writing in english is becoming quite a challenge for me because I'm thinking in Norwegian now... THATS SUPER COOL!!! considering that this is only my 7th week here and I'm almost fluent. This past week has been a whirlwind:
På Mondag- Lovely school followed by step class in the evening
På Tirsdag- School and Trines where we baked pirate cookies, made pirate costumes, and ate lotsa tacos.... then Bratsj lessons
På Onsdag- TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!! My american influence on the school is always positive... accompianied by many arrrghs, bimelys, and savvy?
På Torsdag- School and 4 hours of studing Norwegian Physics
På Fredag- Physics test, which I could not answer even one question... which means I undoubtedly failed... I'm going in for extra help starting next week... Just what I need, more hours of my oh so favorite subject... Then following this test I had gym, which was a positive thing, because we ran for 30 minutes and then played basketball. During our running portion we had races, and I somehow one... against all of the athletic people... how? I dont exactly know. Then we proceded to play basketball, which, by the way, in the US I absolutely suck at... but here I was pretty much worshipped. After all of this fun, I hurried off to bratsj practice for 3 hours, but its 1 hour driving each way, so it becomes a 5 hour ordeal... but, after that I didn't go home... no, I went to Yi Ren's bursdag fest (her birthday party). So I got home at about 1 am, and had to get up by 8 for more orchestra... So that kind of sucked.
På Lørdag- I had 4 hours of orchestra. AHHHH!!! Not fun... Then I went to get bird food with Pappa, but the store was all out, OH NO! We came back home then and played Wii, sat around, ate, looked at Karo og Ingrids baby pictures, and at a lot of candy(we can only eat candy of Lørdag i Norge, so we eat a lot when we get the chance...) And now I'm writing this, extremely tired, and wishing that I could've gone to oslo with Tristan and Anders today to get sushi... but that'll just have to wait til next week... AHHH MUST HAVE SUSHI! I ate sushi yesterday though, but MUST HAVE SUSHI!!! Crazy cravings...SUSHI AND VILLA FARRIS!!! AHHHHH!
Well, tomorrow I have to write a 2 page paper on different philosophers and my views of 'the meaning of life,' all in norwegian... so that will be loads of fun.
But, I did decide what I think I'm going to spend my life doing... I want to be a sosioanthropologist or a branch off of it, studying the ideal personality of different cultures, conformity, intercultural competence, and other sosial psychology. I spent part of yesterday reading psychology, and Pappas just like, people your age aren't supposed to enjoy reading psychology... because I was infront of the tv, more interested in reading than watching... oh boy. but its suuuuper awesom. Only 4 more days of school til høst ferie! (fall break) YES! and then I'm going up north! WOOO HOO!

The picture is of me with pizza sauce all over my face... pappa and I made pizzas this past week, and on one of them we put peanuts, pineapple, pepperoni, haribo candy, chocolate sauce, and barbeque sauce... to say the least, it was disgusting...Æsj!

fredag 14. september 2007

Uke seks (6)

Sååååååååå, jeg er nå ferdig med uke seks her i norge.
so, im now finish with week six in norway
I've been having sooo much fun in school with my friends. We spend our time listening to music, talking about socks, and eating a lot. mmmm mmmm good. Last weekend we celebrated ingrids birthday and went bowling and i spent the day with Trine, a very good friend of mine. Today was my first orchestra rehearsal for my trip up north in 2 weeks... it was pretty boring, but the car ride made it worth it... pappa bought 6 haribo packages, 2 giant twix bars, 2 sodas (my favorite kind villa brus) and a pack of gummy things called zoo. and we ate it all except 2 things by the time we were home... oh how i love norway (and candy) I've actually been speaking quite a lot of german here, mostly german insults, because I have a friend here, Tristan(from Germany but isnt an exchange student) who helps me pronounce things out of a book of put downs that pappa gave me... hahah. we have good times yelling things like 'try using some disinfectant to get rid of that smell' down the hallways (in german and norwegian of course) and it gets some laughs... I haven't had a problem with feeling isolated at school at all, which is a very good thing... AFS told us that we would feel alone and such, but I don't and I guess its because I'm fairly outgoing. Well, I'm gonna go watch another movie with pappa now... (we watch sooo many movies, its GREAT!) and after 3 hours of orchestra today, I have 4 more tomorrow morning... goodie (yeah right) well I'll update next week about my wonderful adventures in scenic Norway... OH I forgot to mention, ontop of my running every day now, I went biking yesterday with pappa, in all that biking gear... could marissa be becoming athletic? is that possible?

Tristan and I

My cousin and I

onsdag 5. september 2007

Denne Uke (5)

So I'm on my thrid week of school now, and its just getting better every day, with the exception of Historie og Filosofi class, which sucks... I've really been enjoying hangin out with my friends during school hours, and during classes, which are incredibly easy compared to the US. After school I walk home... every day... which includes walking about 1.5km on flat ground and the up and down what Wisconsiners would call a mountain... so I definately am getting some leg muscles here. I've started going to a training class on monday nights, its a step class, with my mamma and a few friends, Trine and Guro. It's a fun class thats pretty much just dancing. And as a suprise to many, its my first time working out in my entire life. Yesterday I had an AFS meeting in Lillestrøm and I got to see some of my friends for the first time in a month. It was lots of fun and we all had to give presentations on our home countries. I did mine completely in Norwegian... kjempe vansklig! But I managed to do it, and Im learning more norwegian every day. Jeg kommer å bli bedre! (Im getting better) I also got a cell phone yesterday WOO HOO!! But don't call me its expensive... But its exciting nevertheless. The picture is my sisters Karo og Ingrid og me and our lovely banana cake that we made with black licorice for the AFS meeting last night.